Get to know Ivana Ćirković, speaker

Hello, WordPressers 🙂 Meet Ivana, who will start WordCamp Bucharest with her awesome talk about What’s your story?“.  Let’s get to know her a bit more.

  • When and how did you start working with WordPress?

Let me see.. it was around 2014/2015 that I began transferring all my websites from Joomla to WordPress. Only because Joomla became outdated and WordPress exploded in all the positive ways and started to make much more sense for me to use it. Pretty soon, I got familiar with the platform and began to love it, to learn from the content side of it as much as I can and started teaching others, and the rest is – as they say – a history 🙂

  • Why did you choose this topic for your presentation?

Easy, without /digital/ storytelling there would be no need for WordPress or any other content-based platform since they exist because and for the content people produce.

  • What will we learn from your presentation?

Hopefully, why stories are important and how to do them right – with the help of WordPress. One might say 30 minutes isn’t nearly enough time for that (100% accurate), but it is for setting up the basics and covering some bullet points needed for this great storytelling adventure.

  • What do you like to do when you’re not WordPress-ing?

What don’t I? 😀 I really, deeply love to cook and take photos, those are my two favorite passions.

  • Few words for the WordPress Bucharest community.

I hope you’ll come to join us at WordCamp Bucharest 2018 to learn something new, share experiences and knowledge and, above all, have fun connecting with so many good people from all over Europe 🙂 See you soon!

Want to meet Ivana? Get your ticket now and meet us on October 27 – 28th.

Check out the other interviews in the series dedicated to our speakers.